Facing Moving Back In With The Parents Temporarily? Tips To Make The Transition Easier

Are you relocating to a foreign country for work? Learn more about how storage units can be helpful during this process.

Facing Moving Back In With The Parents Temporarily? Tips To Make The Transition Easier

6 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you find yourself fresh out of college without a full-time job or the funds to get yourself a place of your own or you simply have hit a speed bump in life and need to get back on your feet, you may be looking at the prospect of moving back in with your parents. Though your stay with your parents may be temporary, the process of moving back in with your parents can seem overwhelming and frustrating. However, it does not necessarily have to be that way. There are steps that you can and should take in order to make the moving process easier so that you can get settled in at your parents' house and get back on your feet as soon as possible.

Be Cognizant of Space Limitations

One of the biggest factors that you should consider when you are moving back in with your parents is the issue of space. Your parents already have a home that is full of their possessions and furniture and all of the elements that make up their life. And because you have been out of the house for a while, that space that you used to occupy in the house your parents own could be otherwise occupied.

You need to be cognizant of this fact and be sure that you are respectful of the fact that you are assimilating yourself back into your parents' daily lives and home. There will be space limitations for you and your possessions and you may not be able to bring all of your things with you. You also might be in a different room than you were growing up. Be flexible and only bring what will fit in the space that your parents have allotted for you. That way, the transition will be a great deal easier for you and your parents both.

Rent a Storage Unit for Your Extra Possessions that Will Not Fit

Because you have likely accumulated a fair amount of stuff yourself in the many years that you have been living on your own, you likely have items that will simply not fit in your parents' home when you move back in. To ensure that you do not have to get rid of your possessions, you should rent a self storage unit for the items that you cannot bring with you. 

Carefully go through your possessions and sort them into the items that you will be taking to your new residence, the items that you no longer want or need, and the items that will go to storage. Then, among your storage items, you will also want to do some sorting. The large furniture and items that you will not need at all before you move out of your parents' house should go in the back of your storage unit while the items that you may need to access like books or seasonal clothing should be in the front. This will make your stay easier and will ensure that you can always get to the items you need even if they are not right there with you at your parents' home.

With these tips in mind, the transition back into your parents' house will be much less difficult and will go more smoothly that it would otherwise, improving the situation for you as well as your parents.